Recent Publications
Rights of Conscience for Professionals
Every American citizen should be free to peacefully live and work according to the dictates of his or her conscience without the fear of unjust government punishment. This freedom equally applies to professionals.Therefore, Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) has...
Legalized Marijuana: What Has It Done to Colorado?
Despite lofty promises from the marijuana industry, legalizing recreational marijuana has been detrimental to Colorado. A recent conference in the Phoenix area, “Legalized Marijuana: The Unintended Consequences,” organized by MATFORCE and Arizonans for Responsible...

The Department of Justice: We Will Vigorously Protect Religious Freedom
Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) agrees with Attorney General Jeff Sessions that, “[e]xcept in the narrowest circumstances, no one should be forced to choose between living out his or her faith and complying with the law.” Based on this principle, the Attorney General...

New HHS Rule Finally Protects Little Sisters of the Poor
Today, the Trump Administration once again affirmed the importance of religious freedom and freedom of conscience in our country. The Administration issued new regulations (here and here) that protect religious and moral objectors to the Obama-era abortion-pill...
Help the Candidate of Your Choice–The Easy Way!
In Arizona, statewide and legislative candidates are required to obtain a minimum number of nominating petition signatures to appear on a ballot. Voters may now sign a candidate’s petition electronically through E-Qual. This is the easiest way you can help a candidate...
Latest News & Articles of Interest
Latest News & Articles of Interest In today’s The Briefing, Albert Mohler discusses the pervasiveness of the sexual revolution in our culture, pointing to the pornographic revolution led by Hugh Hefner and the lie at the heart of “Banned Books Week.” He also...
Debate Foreclosed
On Tuesday, the Arizona Supreme Court in Laughlin v. Jones/Laughlin followed the U.S. Supreme Court in extending the “constellation of benefits” of marriage to same-sex married couples. The Arizona Supreme Court held that Arizona’s presumption of paternity statute...

Know Your Rights: Religious Freedom in Public Colleges and Universities
Religious Freedom in Public Colleges and Universities Despite our nation’s longstanding commitment to the free exchange of ideas at our public universities and colleges, religious freedom and free speech are threatened now more than ever on college campuses. Through...

Religious Freedom in Public Schools
A middle school girl is sent to the principal’s office. Why? Not because she was talking too much in class or chewing gum. No, she was in trouble because she had a picture of Jesus on her notebook. This true story happened a few years ago in the Phoenix area. That’s...
BREAKING NEWS: CAP Files Brief with U.S. Supreme Court
Statement by Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod “Creative professionals, like Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips, rightly serve all people; however, they should not be compelled to communicate all messages or celebrate all events,” stated CAP...
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