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Help for Parents, Students

If Christ’s disciples stole his body and Jesus never rose from the dead, Christianity is built on sand and we are “to be pitied,” as the Apostle Paul put it. But how do we know they didn’t steal Christ’s body? What is the evidence that the Son of God died and rose...

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Abortion 5, Babies 0

I’ve had two days to sit with the grievous Arizona House decision to repeal the most protective pro-life law in Arizona’s history, and I still choke on the words. Even with a slim pro-life majority, not enough members could agree to hold strong and protect unborn...

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Holding the Line

Many thought the House and Senate might fold on abortion, but nothing is predictable at the Arizona Capitol. Local and national news media, pro-life and pro-abortion activists descended on the state Capitol Wednesday for a showdown on the pre-Roelaw prohibiting...

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Sore Winners

Center for Arizona Policy wasn’t around when the state’s pre-Roe law was in effect in 1973, and I wasn’t sure I would be around to see it reinstated.  But thanks to this week’s Arizona Supreme Court ruling, I can gratefully say: Abortion is illegal in Arizona except...

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Legal ≠ Safe

Just because something is legal, does not mean it is safe. Some agendas are just that powerful. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Biden presidency rolled back most safety precautions on the abortion pill in recent years, leading to a significant...

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Seriously Damaged

Those to first buy off on the tragic lie of “transitioning” children are now the first to raise a red flag. Acknowledging children have been seriously damaged, European countries continue their withdrawal from the futile and tragic effort to change the sex of...

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