Help for Parents, Students

If Christ’s disciples stole his body and Jesus never rose from the dead, Christianity is built on sand and we are “to be pitied,” as the Apostle Paul put it. But how do we know they didn’t steal Christ’s body? What is the evidence that the Son of God died and rose from the dead?

“That’s what I learned at church” is not a sufficient answer; it certainly is not enough for Christian students heading off to college where they will be faced with these important questions and others like them. Christian parents are commanded to pour into their children the foundational principles and beliefs of God’s word, but children and young adults must know why they believe what they believe if they are to remain and grow in faith.

That is the basis for the Golden Oak Society, a new Christian Worldview curriculum that helps ground children, teens, and young adults in a biblical worldview they can defend. Its mission statement reads, “Golden Oak Society provides K-12 Christian worldview curriculum and resources for families and schools.”

One of the books for junior high and high school students, The Resurrection of Christ: An Apologetic Primer for Students, shows evidence in the Old Testament of the coming resurrection and then walks through the evidence in the New Testament and in historical records that back up biblical claims. The book doesn’t shy away from challenges. It takes them head-on, meticulously providing substantive, rational answers with detailed references and sources. You can download a free chapter to get a sense of the quality and depth of argument, as well as review discussion questions.

Author and founder, Michael Clark has a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a J.D. from Arizona State University. He also once served as VP of Policy and General Counsel at CAP.

Clark says he is doing what Christians have done since the foundation of the early church.

“From the earliest times, Christians were doing apologetics. We have writings from Christians in the second and third centuries responding to critics who claimed the disciples had stolen Jesus’ body and fabricated the story about his resurrection. The earliest Christians took on the challenge of responding to their critics. We are called to do the same today.”

The idea is not to convince atheists, but to ground and equip believers to identify and answer tough objections, even for their own walk.

“Through this study, students can come to know that their belief in the resurrection is supported by substantial historical evidence. Knowing this further strengthens their confidence in God’s word and prepares them to go off to college. So when one of their college professors claims that belief in Jesus’ resurrection is irrational, they can recall doing a study showing that their belief is actually entirely rational.”

I often bring you examples on these pages of intense efforts to dominate classrooms on all levels with LGBT propaganda; diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI); social, emotional learning (SEL) and other agendas to which many parents object. The Golden Oak Society is for those parents who want to redirect their children’s learning, who homeschool, or as a supplement to private schooling. One local Christian private school had the faculty all go through An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World to prepare them for teaching all subjects through a biblical worldview.

Additional books are in the works, including Bible Through Art, which Clark says uses art history to help children better appreciate both Christ and classical works of art.

“One of the benefits of using masterpieces from centuries ago as a bridge to study the Bible is that they connect us to our history, to the countless Christians that have come before us. Older works of art depicting biblical scenes reminds us that our faith in Christ is ancient. We share a faith with brothers and sisters in Christ for the past 2,000 years.”

Islam from a Christian Perspective: A Primer for Students is another coming title for junior high and high schoolers to gain an understanding of this major world religion and how to share Christ with Muslim neighbors and friends.

Clark says he will continue to add resources and maintain weekly blog postings to help parents raise their children to see all things in life through a biblical worldview.

With a vision for a community of lasting value and longevity, Clark chose the name Golden Oak Society and designed it to accommodate K-12 students, either with or without parents (depending on grade level), both in school and as supplemental summer studies.

With the many cultural battles we face every day, it is refreshing to share with you these credible resources to help prepare the next generation for what is ahead.


  • Read here how pro-abortion activists are taking legal action to ensure women have abortions, even if they have changed their minds.
  • Read here how eugenics drives the culture of death.
  • Read here how to empower women this Mother’s Day.
  • Pre-order CAP’s AZ Voter Guide for the primary election.
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