Ten days in the Pacific Northwest. Ten days in Washington, D.C. My summer is off to a great start! I hope yours is also. While in D.C., I attended the Susan B. Anthony List’s Campaign for Life Gala. SBA List, one of the nation’s premier pro-life groups,...
5 Minutes for Families
Honoring Those Who Defend Freedom
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our...
5 Key Facts about California’s Latest Bill Suppressing Unpopular Speech
Note: This week’s edition of 5 Minutes for Families may require 10 minutes to read. However, the news out of California is something that Arizona families should be aware of, and we hope you will read, follow the links, and share it with your friends and family....
How Did Your Legislators Vote?
You voted them into office. Now find out if your legislators are voting with you on key issues. Center for Arizona Policy’s 2018 Family Issues Voting Records provide a quick and easy look at how legislators voted on life, marriage and family, and religious freedom in...
Fact: School Choice Saves Taxpayer Money
Note: After one of the most contentious legislative sessions I’ve witnessed, legislators adjourned the regular session early this morning. For the first time, the state budget includes $100,000 for homeless pregnant mothers to receive shelter and other services for up...
Don’t Get Caught in “The Spiral of Silence”
Last Saturday at the CAP Family Dinner, we had the privilege of hosting the President of Colson Center for Christian Worldview, John Stonestreet. In his message, John encouraged us not to get caught in “the spiral of silence,” but to live in light of three truths:...
Abortion Pill Reversal Works!
One evening three years ago, Dr. Allan Sawyer sent me a message to check out his Facebook post: “. . . a young woman walked into a Glendale abortion clinic and took an abortion pill, RU-486. The next day she walked into the same abortion clinic, 21 hours after taking...
Helping Children Find Forever Homes
“Ultimately, this [bill] will minimize the time spent with DCS [Department of Child Safety] and the number of times a child is moved from home to home, allowing children to learn how to bond with others during the formative years,” writes Senator Nancy Barto...
Secret Recording? Oh My!
And, now as the world turns, here’s the latest “fake news” story featuring none other than yours truly. The media, Twitter, and school choice opponents erupted this week over a so-called secret recording the Arizona Republic obtained of me speaking to a group of...
Celebrating the Risen Christ
“He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where He lay.” Matthew 28:6 ESV The gospels are filled with incredible words and phrases such as these. In our daily devotions, it is sometimes easy to read such familiar words and simply continue...