…this victory for all Arizona families. Arizona’s Save Women’s Sports Act that ensures only females can compete against other females on girls’ and women’s sports teams. Senator Nancy Barto sponsored…
Results for "equality act"
Una promesa para los padres estadounidenses
…Pero aún hay más por hacer especialmente cuando vemos que los activistas tratan de manipular estos derechos. Aquí es donde entra en juego La Promesa a los Padres Estadounidenses (en…
A Promise to America’s Parents
…passed a number of CAP-supported bills enshrining parental rights into state law. But there is more to be done even as activists try to finagle those rights for themselves. This…
Hay más detrás del voto sobre el aborto en Kansas
…de activistas a favor del aborto. Pero no estamos derrotados. Estamos conscientes que la decisión en el caso de Dobbs no marca el fin de la batalla y que los…
My Thoughts on COVID 19 and the Abortion Industry
…par with those treating COVID-19 patients. Pro-abortion activists sing the “abortion is health care” mantra throughout social media platforms, all while medical personnel scramble to provide real health care. Planned…
Un diluvio dogmático
…fue un éxito entre los activistas LGBTQ que increíblemente elogiaron a la tienda por rendirse ante el “acoso”. Para aquellas empresas que no se quieren quedar atrás, Forbes ofrece consejos…
…answer to the question of when life begins. There is plenty to dislike about Jackson’s appointment to the Court, including the fact she gives no indication she will be fair…
ESA 2023
…an ESA contract. Approximately three weeks after parents sign the contract, funds will be deposited in the student’s ESA account. These accounts are managed by ClassWallet, an external vendor to…

Why Not Let Her Choose Life?
Pro-Abortion Activists Oppose Life Saving Bills “I had two abortions when I was a teenager, mostly because Planned Parenthood was what was in my neighborhood and I didn’t know I…

A Tale of Two Worldviews
…Action Needed: Take time now to contact your state senator to encourage support for HB 2706. ICYMI – A recent essay in Public Discourse tackles this week’s FMF subject on…