Arizona Tops the List!

Topping Craig’s List wouldn’t usually be an honor at CAP, except when it’s Craig DeRoche’s list. DeRoche is the President and CEO of Family Policy Alliance (FPA), of which CAP is an allied state organization. FPA’s commitment to pro-family, God-glorifying policy throughout the nation makes receiving recognition from DeRoche quite an honor indeed.

FPA announced yesterday that Craig’s List has named Arizona The Most Pro-Family State of the Year for 2022. The award is designed to recognize the hard-fought victories of pro-family leaders and organizations throughout the country. We consider it a privilege to be among those involved in advancing pro-family policy in Arizona, and to serve alongside legislators, state officials, ministry friends, and supporters of CAP who make such legislative victories possible.

FPA says it put Arizona at the top of Craig’s List this year because of the many pro-family advances made at the state Legislature this session,

At a time when much of the news we hear is about the challenges our nation is facing, the reality is there is much good work happening to protect children and families around the nation. Arizona has been an outstanding example of that this year, going above and beyond to make their state a better place for families. – Craig DeRoche

The 2022 CAP-supported, pro-family legislation passed includes:

  • Arizona’s 15-week abortion ban, sponsored by Senator Nancy Barto, who fought to achieve the earliest abortion ban allowed under Roe if the U.S. Supreme Court had not overturned Roe but upheld Mississippi’s 15-week ban.
  • Arizona’s prohibition on discrimination against those with disabilities who need an organ transplant. Representative Steve Kaiser sponsored the bill ensuring vulnerable patients get the transplants they need, regardless of their disability.
  • Arizona’s prohibition on discriminating against faith-based foster care and adoption families and agencies. Senator Sine Kerr sponsored the bill protecting the religious beliefs and practices of adoptive and foster families and the agencies that serve them.
  • Arizona’s historic expansion of the Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA), making all Arizona students eligible to receive state education funding to choose the best educational option for their families. Representative Ben Toma sponsored the bill and never gave up the fight to achieve this victory for all Arizona families.
  • Arizona’s Save Women’s Sports Act that ensures only females can compete against other females on girls’ and women’s sports teams. Senator Nancy Barto sponsored the bill that levels the playing field for all female athletes. FPA also named 10 states, including Arizona, the winners of the Save Women’s Sports Award.
  • Arizona’s prohibition on gender-related surgeries for minors. Against intense opposition, Senator Warren Petersen sponsored the bill, protecting children from irreversible and dangerous surgeries that result in life-long consequences.
  • Arizona’s parental rights bill ensuring parents have access to their children’s education and medical records, as well as requiring teachers to get written permission from parents before giving students intrusive surveys. Representative Steve Kaiser sponsored the bill, which includes a cause of action if the school violates a parent’s right.

It truly was a banner year, thanks to these courageous lawmakers, those who voted in favor of these bills, and Governor Doug Ducey who signed each one into law.

FPA’s mission is to advance biblical citizenship, equip and elect statesmen, promote policy and serve an effective alliance, all committed to a common vision. Read more about our national ally here.

Some Lawmakers still see Parents as “terrorists”

In what was certainly not a pro-family move, the U.S. Senate recently voted on several proposed amendments to the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.” Among them was a motion to stop the DOJ and the FBI from inappropriately targeting parents or classifying them as “domestic terrorists” for their advocacy at school board meetings. It failed. Both of Arizona’s U.S. Senators, Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema, voted against the motion, effectively allowing the bullying of parents to continue. The motion failed along party lines.

You might find some of the other amendments interesting, including a motion to stop the hiring of an army of new IRS agents to target American taxpayers. Also, senators voted down an amendment to strike a tax increase that will result in higher consumer prices on gas, heating oil, and other energy sources. Again, both of Arizona’s U.S. Senators, Kelly and Sinema voted no on both amendments.

See all of the votes here.


  • Read here how those who are sounding the alarm on the dangerous push to “transition” children are being silenced after simply showing a Boston Children’s Hospital video. The video touts the hospital’s pro-transgender “treatment” of minors.
  • Read here about the dangerous precedent set by the failure to bring the U.S. Supreme Court leaker to justice.
  • Read here how the Biden Administration quietly shut down a free speech tip line for college students to report violations of their free speech rights.
  • Read here how the data prove educational choice is a winner for both students and taxpayers.

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