A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. The recent desperate attempt to resuscitate the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has nothing to do with equality for women. That has been achieved through the 5th and 14th Amendments, as well...
Arizona House Defeats Ratification of the ERA
Statement by Cathi Herrod, President Once again, state legislators pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) tried, but failed, to set aside House rules and bring the proposed ratification to the floor. In a 31-29 party-line vote with Republicans voting against the...
Heated Battle at Capitol Kills ERA…Again
If you thought the ERA battle was behind us, the fight on the senate floor today would change your mind. State senators pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment tried, but failed to set aside senate rules and bring the previously dead bill to the floor for a vote. Key...
No on the ERA!
ERA advocates were marching at the Capitol today! Make your opposition heard! Proponents argue the ERA is all about equal pay. However, the ERA is all about enshrining the right to an abortion in the U.S. Constitution because any restriction on abortion could amount...
NEWS RELEASE: Equal Rights Amendment Deceives
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod If today’s proposed Equal Rights Amendment (SCR 1006) protected women, and established justice and equality for women, I would stand in strong support of the ERA. But it does none of that. Proponents...
Horrific –that’s the word that comes to me as I hear people talking over and over again about the state of New York. The next thought ----will Arizona be like New York after 2020 or 2022? You’ve heard the news. This past Tuesday, on the 46th anniversary of Roe v....
NEWS RELEASE: A 46-Year March Toward Science
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod “Any anniversary marking another year under Roe v Wade is nothing to celebrate, but I do find reason this day to be hopeful. I am hopeful because science is on our side. Medical and technological...