…activity between 5 and 20 percent; but more than 20 percent has been found unacceptable. “Legislative activity” is any activity intended to influence legislation – bills before the U.S. Congress…
Results for "equality act"
Physician-Assisted Suicide (new)
…Oregon Death With Dignity Act 2022 Data Summary Report https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PROVIDERPARTNERRESOURCES/EVALUATIONRESEARCH/DEATHWITHDIGNITYACT/Documents/year25.pdf [xxvi]Anderson, supra note 1. [xxvii] Oregon Death With Dignity Act 2022 Data Summary Report https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PROVIDERPARTNERRESOURCES/EVALUATIONRESEARCH/DEATHWITHDIGNITYACT/Documents/year25.pdf [xxviii]Council on Ethical and Judicial…
U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether “Sex” Includes “Sexual Orientation” and “Gender Identity”
…deadline of 1982. “The Orwellian Dangers of the ‘Equality Act’” by Alfred Kentigern Siewers at Public Discourse. Stay connected and consider receiving additional publications by joining the CAP Network. …
Under the Guise of Compromise
…the so-called “Equality and Fairness for all Act” had been laid bare. HB 2802 would add sexual orientation and gender identity to Arizona laws prohibiting discrimination in places of public…
Never Say Die
…Human Services move to redefine “sex” and what it says about the Equality Act. Read here about the Biden Administration’s plan to get Critical Race Theory into every public school….
More Hostility
…Al Mohler sounds the alarm about the Equality Act in a recent article explaining the proposed federal legislation would force all religious individuals and institutions “to prove to the government’s…
Tweets, Lies & a Surprise
…legislature. Pro-abortion activists have money, power, and a determination to protect the abortion industry’s bottom line. When you see an Action Alert from CAP in your email inbox, please respond…
A Deluge of Dogma
…present as boys didn’t impress. But a T-shirt reading, “Move, I’m gay” was a hit with LGBTQ activists who actually praised the store for its submission to the “bullying.” For…

Equal Rights Amendment
…the Equal Pay Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act — and Arizona’s Equal Wages law[9] prohibit pay discrimination based on sex. Therefore, the ERA…