
Keep Praying!

One of the most powerful acts for the good of our country happened yesterday as heads bowed and knees bent in submission to God on the 70th annual National Day of Prayer. The official theme asked, “LORD pour out Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY” on the nation. Organizers...

Big First Step Victories

What a week. Arizona lawmakers on various House and Senate committees heard several CAP-supported bills, passing all of them out of their respective committees and sending them onto the next step in the legislative process. Each one was a battle, as we faced...

Be Thou My Vision

Good Afternoon Pastors, Do you wake up with songs, Scriptures, or Scriptures set to music on your heart? On the occasions that I do, I tend to have them with me all day long. This morning’s tune is a medieval Irish hymn that I sang a lot in high school: Be thou my...

Legislators Stand for Life

On Tuesday, April 10, the Arizona House of Representatives passed HB 2036 by a vote of 37-22. HB 2036, called “The Mother’s Health and Safety Act”: Prohibits abortion after 20 weeks because of the safety risks to the mother and the pain endured by the preborn child....

Limiting Religious Liberty

CAP-supported Senate Bill 1288, which says that professionals cannot lose their state-issued license or accreditation because of the free exercise of their religion, came under some fire during a floor session in the state House earlier last week. Opponents of the...

Who’s in Charge?

This week, I had the opportunity to testify in support of a strike-everything amendment for SB 1169.* In effect, what this bill will do is clarify that the Board of Nursing, which was created by the state Legislature to provide rules and regulations for Arizona's...

For the Record: CBS Missed the Point

Children do best with a mom and a dad. This is not news to most people, and when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. The social science data only confirms this, which is why CAP is supporting SB 1188. Apparently, accuracy on this issue isn’t enough for some...