Americans United for Life

Unique From Day One

More than 60 million preborn babies have lost their lives with countless women harmed over the last 46 years. Imagine what could have been accomplished by those babies had they lived. Some would now be 35 or 45, solving life’s challenges for the common good of all....

This Week’s Top Five

1. Arizona #1 Most Pro-life State. American United for Life for the second year in a row the nation’s top pro-life legal organization has ranked Arizona the #1 pro-life state. Today, Americans United for Life (AUL) released its 14th annual “Life List,” putting Arizona...

The Future of Children

Next week we observe two very different events, but both having to do with the future of children in our society. 60 Million Children Monday marks 45 years since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion throughout the country. As a...