Engage Arizona: Public Policy for Daily Life · Following Fulton Growing hostility toward Religious freedom directly attacks the First Amendment right to exercise one’s religion without undue interference from government. We see it in efforts to force businessmen and...
What a Week
My head is still spinning after a busy and fruitful week. It started with a veto and ended with a big victory! You may have seen our Breaking News yesterday in celebration of the passage of SB 1457, sponsored by Sen. Nancy Barto. On Monday, the legislature will send...
Are You Paying Attention?
Engage Arizona: Public Policy for Daily Life · Are you Paying Attention? The last week of committee hearings on proposed bills at the Arizona Capitol did not disappoint. Fireworks and drama gave a glimpse of what's to come on the House and Senate floors. One key...
Shepherd to Shepherd: A Conversation with Greg Baker
Engage Arizona: Public Policy for Daily Life · Shepherd to Shepherd: A Conversation with Greg Baker Chris St. John interviews special guest Greg Baker from the Church Ambassador Network.
There is Still Time to Stand for Life!
The Senate will vote on Senate Bill 1457 next week! Arizona policymakers have long adopted pro-life laws, earning the recognition from Americans United for Life as being at or among the top pro-life states in the country year after year. As a commitment to protecting...
Pastors: See You Wednesday 1/27?
Dear Arizona Pastors and Church Leaders, Last Wednesday we had a meeting scheduled via Zoom to pray for and discuss the 2021 Arizona Legislative Session. But COVID-19 hit me like a ton of bricks. If you’ve had it, you know what I mean. Today, I’m taking this...
What You Can Expect
National Policy We are five days from the inauguration of a new President of the United States; one with the power of the U.S. House and Senate on his side on most, if not all issues. Things in America are going to change, possibly even very quickly. We know this...
2021 Arizona Capitol Prayer Walk
2021 Annual Capitol Prayer Walk Center for Arizona Policy and BridgeBuilders International Please join us as we pray for our government leaders on Opening Day of the 2021 Legislative Session. Monday, January 11 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Arizona State Capitol1700 W....
Speaking Boldly: A chilling reminder to stay vigilant
For 79 years, the USS Arizona has rested silently on the floor of Pearl Harbor. Since 1962, a monument placed above the fallen battleship in the shallow bay has honored the lives of the 1,177 officers and crewmen lost with their ship. It also serves as a powerful...
A Great Opportunity Awaits
In many ways this has been the longest of years, but in others, it’s amazing that we’re now in Advent. I pray that Thanksgiving was sweet for you and your family, and that this will be the most meaningful of Christmases as we worship the Savior. We’ve been...