
Doing Our Part to Protect Children

Seldom have I seen the level of concern shown over the last two weeks since President Obama issued his edict that public schools must open up bathrooms, showers, and dorm rooms to individuals based on their professed gender identity. If the schools do not comply with...

Intern with CAP this summer!

Interning with CAP provides students with real-life experience working in public policy. See the description below and email us at intern@azpolicy.org with any questions. Program Goal – The Internship Program at Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) provides students the...

Abortions Decrease 3.7% in Arizona

Recently, the Arizona Department of Health Services released its annual abortion report showing that 501 fewer abortions were performed in Arizona in 2014 as compared to 2013, a decrease of 3.7%! Since the new abortion reporting requirements took effect in late 2010,...

The Snowball in Scottsdale

On Monday, August 31 Scottsdale City Council was at it again. The discussion was whether or not to proceed looking into a “non-discrimination” ordinance for the LGBT Community. Here’s some background: Scottsdale has already discussed this issue and decided it was...