Year: 2023

Holding Them Accountable

“Critical Race Theory (CRT) is being taught in many public schools. It’s not a myth, and it’s not just a college-level curriculum. It’s an ideology that can wear many different labels.” This quote is right off the Arizona Department of Education website....

Demasiado cristianos para ser maestros

Pareciera que no hay nadie que pueda ponerle un alto a las exigencias del movimiento LGBTQ; esperemos que la ley sí, ahora que un distrito escolar local enfrenta un desafío legal por discriminación antirreligiosa. La Universidad Cristiana de Arizona (ACU por sus...

La píldora abortiva ante los tribunales

La agencia federal encargada de garantizar la seguridad de la salud pública está en el centro de dos demandas que determinarán el futuro del aborto en Estados Unidos. La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA por sus siglas en inglés) se encuentra en esta...

Too Christian to Teach

The demands of the LGBTQ movement know no bounds, but the law does, and now a local school district faces a legal challenge for anti-religious discrimination. Arizona Christian University (ACU) filed suit yesterday against the Washington Elementary School District...

Abortion Pill on Trial

A federal agency tasked with ensuring public health safety is at the heart of two competing lawsuits that will determine the future of abortion in America. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) put itself in this position by placing ideology over safety and removing...

AZ Senate Outlaws Infanticide!

A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. Every baby deserves a chance at life. SB 1600 ensures all babies receive the care needed to give them that chance by prohibiting infanticide. An infant’s value is not based on his or her life...

Get Ready

It could be next week, next month, or a bit later; but a ballot measure designed to enshrine abortion into Arizona’s constitution is coming. Pro-abortion activists all but promised it after Dobbs overturned Roe v. Wade last June. The abortion industry has given us a...

End “Slow Code”

Laws should solve problems. SB 1600 solves a problem that has hidden quietly within some healthcare circles and leaves new parents heartbroken. Some healthcare facilities are not providing appropriate care for babies born with genetic conditions, allowing them to...

Lo Bueno, Lo Malo y Lo Feo

Los legisladores de Arizona a favor de la vida y a favor de la familia siguen trabajando incluso cuando la gobernadora Hobbs se burla de ellos en el periódico local usando la estampa del veto. Antes de compartir la lista de proyectos de ley que CAP está impulsando y...

¿El futuro de Arizona?

Cada año, vemos una serie de proyectos de ley destructivos y nosotros trabajamos arduamente para garantizar que estos proyectos nunca ganen impulso. Ahora que la Legislatura y el poder ejecutivo están divididos ideológicamente, la tensión es alta y los esfuerzos se...