Year: 2023

Beware the Rank Choice Voting Scheme

Beware of those who want to fundamentally change America’s election systems; there is usually a self-serving motivation behind it. Consider Rank Choice Voting (RCV), which purports to solve the problem of divisive two-party elections, but in the end, can lead to...


You’ve heard all the hysteria around Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) but what validity is there in the hysteria? Matt Beienburg, Director of Education Policy at Goldwater Institute joins the #EngageArizona pod to discuss the myths, and why they are just...

Escondiendo La Verdad

La representante de Arizona Stephanie Stahl Hamilton de Tucson dijo al pleno de la Cámara de Representantes de Arizona el miércoles de la semana pasada, que ella valora las Escrituras en su corazón: "Es lo que me guía. Es lo que da forma e informa las decisiones que...

Hiding the Truth

Arizona Representative Stephanie Stahl Hamilton of Tucson told the full House Wednesday that she holds Scripture very dear to her heart, “It is what guides me. It is what shapes and informs the decisions I make.” It was quite a bold statement after being caught hiding...

Éxito Innegable

Los informes acerca de la supuesta ruina económica de Arizona, debido al programa ESA universales, han sido muy exagerados. En lo que va del año, Arizona cuenta con un exceso de $750 millones por encima del presupuesto, incluso cuando el número de estudiantes que usan...