Center for Arizona Policy

BREAKING NEWS: AZ Lawmakers Send School Sale Equity Bill to Governor

Current law requires school districts to attempt to obtain the highest possible value for vacant property they have chosen to sell or lease. The bill makes clear that school districts cannot prohibit a charter or private school from negotiation to buy or lease the property, and that they cannot withdraw the property solely because a private or charter school is the highest bidder.

Problems to be Solved

Often CAP-supported legislation focuses on solving problems. That is the case with two bills designed to treat private schools fairly, based on real problems encountered by two private schools in Tucson. The two bills, HB 2460 School Sale Equity and HB 2461 School...

Hands Off Our Kids!

“The state has no right to take our children away and to give them experimental drugs” -- Aaron Baer, President of Ohio’s Citizens for Community Values (CCV) and former VP of Communications at Center for Arizona Policy. This week CCV held a press conference denouncing...

Responding to HB 2586

News media outlets have been promoting recently introduced HB 2586, a bill that would add sexual orientation and gender identity to Arizona’s nondiscrimination laws. Current law prohibits discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations because of a...