Cindy Dahlgren

Keep Praying!

One of the most powerful acts for the good of our country happened yesterday as heads bowed and knees bent in submission to God on the 70th annual National Day of Prayer. The official theme asked, “LORD pour out Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY” on the nation. Organizers...

What a Week

My head is still spinning after a busy and fruitful week. It started with a veto and ended with a big victory! You may have seen our Breaking News yesterday in celebration of the passage of SB 1457, sponsored by Sen. Nancy Barto. On Monday, the legislature will send...

Staying Open

Arizona has 31% fewer small businesses than it did just before the COVID-19 outbreak. The government mandated shutdown clearly took a toll. But even as fear of getting the virus drove customers away, fear of being held liable for spreading the virus fueled business...

Tweets, Lies & a Surprise

We discuss the week’s events on our latest podcast. Click the graphic to listen.  Surprised, But Alive In a surprise move, Senator Tyler Pace on the Senate floor this week voted against Senator Nancy Barto’s pro-life bill, SB 1457. It was a tough hit to take, but we...

Sex Ed: A Parental Rights Issue

Some kindergartners in Arizona are learning about sensitive body parts through the 3R’s program. Some 4th graders are learning details of sex in the FLASH Curriculum. In California, it’s even worse. Some 4th graders are taught pornography is normal, and 2nd graders...

More Hostility

If there was any question about the pro-abortion movement shifting away from the pro-choice message, straight to an unabashed pro-abortion stance, the question has been answered. During a House Judiciary committee hearing this week at the Arizona Capitol, pro-abortion...


One of the most foundational aspects of being American is the freedom to exercise your religious beliefs, to worship who and how you choose. It is to live and work according to your faith, free from being forced to choose between your faith and your livelihood. Our...

Four for Four!

Babies, women, and parents were all winners in the Arizona Senate this week! Four CAP-supported bills made it to a final vote on the Senate floor, and all four passed. They now move to the House for consideration. Senators passed all four bills down party lines, with...

Major Pro-Life Bill Passes Senate!

 Arizona senators sent a clear message today with their passage of SB 1457 – Life is an Arizona value worthy of protection. They told women their safety is more important than the abortion industry’s bottom line, and they told taxpayers their money won’t fund...