Marriage and Family

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Arizona pro-life, pro-family legislators forge ahead even as Governor Hobbs mocks them in the local paper with her veto stamp. Before we share a list of CAP-supported bills that aim to serve pregnant women and their unborn babies, protect children from sexualized drag...

Arizona Tops the List!

Topping Craig’s List wouldn’t usually be an honor at CAP, except when it’s Craig DeRoche’s list. DeRoche is the President and CEO of Family Policy Alliance (FPA), of which CAP is an allied state organization. FPA’s commitment to pro-family, God-glorifying policy...

Power Struggle: Parents v. Activists

The fight to keep parents in the dark is curiously intense. Why so secret? As parents begin to ask questions, some teachers and school officials have become indignant and protective – not necessarily of the students, but of their own ideas. “GLSEN is coaching teachers...

Never Say Die

A significant victory for parental rights slipped through the cracks less than three weeks ago when Governor Doug Ducey vetoed SB 1456. But we never say die here at CAP. So, we worked with lawmakers and the Governor’s office to basically revive the bill with the...

Man Knows Not His Time

Yesterday I received the sad news that a dear ministry friend, Pastor Leo Godzich, passed away following a car accident while in Uganda to preach. I first met Leo twenty-five years ago when he was ministering to individuals suffering from AIDS. Through the years, Leo...