…school, not more of the same distorted, ideological messages. Action Needed: Sign the petition in opposition to the TUSD sex ed curriculum. Pray! Pray the board members vote down this…
Results for "equality act"
Fact: School Choice Saves Taxpayer Money
…schools. The public policy debate ignores the facts in order to cast private schools as the villains robbing the public schools. Not so. Fact: school choice actually saves taxpayer money….
Harms of Recreational Marijuana (new)
…youth, merits a nationwide call to action.”[iii] The advisory, aptly called “Marijuana Use and the Developing Brain,” cites study after study showing the negative health impact of marijuana use, including…
Arizona Abortion Laws (new)
…person from requiring a woman to obtain an abortion as a provision in a contract or as a condition of employment. UNENFORCEABLE LAWS DUE TO JUDICIAL ACTION No Advertising…

Arizona Abortion Laws
…Prohibits a person from requiring a woman to obtain an abortion as a provision in a contract or as a condition of employment. UNENFORCEABLE LAWS DUE TO JUDICIAL ACTION No…

Harms of Recreational Marijuana
…risks of marijuana: “[m]arijuana’s increasingly widespread availability in multiple and highly potent forms, coupled with a false and dangerous perception of safety among youth, merits a nationwide call to action.”[iii]…
Please Make Your Voice Heard and Ask Your Senator to Vote YES on Two Bills this Week
…sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill protects parental rights and it protects young children. To read more click here. Action Needed: Click here to contact your State Senator to…

Arizona Abortion Laws
…to obtain an abortion as a provision in a contract or as a condition of employment. UNENFORCEABLE LAWS DUE TO JUDICIAL ACTION A Woman May Not Seek an Abortion (A.R.S….
The Genderbread Person
…activity on the basis that it is harmful includes objection to a material or activity because it questions beliefs or practices in sex, morality or religion.” (ARS 15-102(A)(3)). Parents need…
Back to School Choice
…to pay for school sponsored extracurricular activities. These include band uniforms, equipment or uniforms for varsity athletic activities, scientific laboratory materials, and trips that are solely for competitive events. They…