
We Were in Between

The week began with the end of a weeklong curfew and ends with the start of the reopening of many of Arizona’s congregations. If you’ve been keeping tabs on the news, however, Arizona’s diagnosed cases of COVID-19 have spiked over the past few weeks – due in large...

Using Our Freedom Wisely

Using our freedom wisely. As we look toward the eventual reopening of Arizona’s retail, dining, elective surgery, and more, no doubt your minds and hearts have already been thinking and planning ahead toward our congregations meeting together again. At the Arizona...

Why Protect Marriage?

There’s been a lot of coverage of the New York legislature’s decision to redefine marriage in their state. Whenever marriage is discussed in the media, there are a lot fundamental misunderstandings about why so many stand for the true definition of marriage. We’re...

Just a few votes

My first voting experience was in the 2008 Presidential primaries. I woke up early and raced to the closest voting station, determined to beat the crowd. But when I arrived, no one was there but several sweet ladies waiting to give me instructions and a bright, red “I...

Del Tackett at Calvary Community Church

For those of you that have gone through The Truth Project, you'll know Del Tackett from the 13-part DVD series. He'll be coming to Phoenix this weekend and will be preaching at Calvary Community Church. Click here for details and be sure to check out what Del's been...