…for arbitrary feelings and continually changing emotions. Lewis said that the chest is the engine for virtuous action. But the chest (heart) cannot be unmoored from the truth for the…
Results for "equality act"
Un incremento de 18,000 abortos en un solo estado
…por la seguridad y bienestar de la madre. La industria del aborto marcha estado por estado Debido a que ya no pueden valerse de los tribunales, ahora los activistas a…
One State: 18,000 More Abortions
…Abortion Industry Marches State by State No longer able to rely on the courts, abortion activists are marching state by state, enshrining virtually unregulated abortion into state constitutions. After winning…
Un castillo de naipes inestable
…a nuestro alrededor más cerca de lo que de lo que nos imaginamos. El Hospital de Niños de Phoenix (en inglés) ofrece lo que a los activistas les gusta llamar…
La verdad acerca de la medida electoral sobre el aborto
…estar en contra de la nueva propuesta de enmienda constitucional que haría del aborto un nuevo “derecho fundamental” en Arizona. Al contrario de lo que afirman los activistas a favor…
Cap Family Dinner 2023 (Form)
… CAP Family Dinner Arizona Biltmore Resort Dinner at 6:30 P.m. Questions? Contact Chris St. John, VP of Advancement cstjohn@azpolicy.org 480-674-2635 Contact Kevin Messner, Director of Development kmessner@azpolicy.org 480-674-2639…
COVID Vaccine & Fetal Stem Cells
…in medical research. The fact is that many of these do go back to tissue taken from aborted fetuses, and there is some involvement, in most of the major COVID-19…
Cap Family Dinner 2023 (Save the Date)
…his media career in the 1990s, writing for The Weekly Standard and other publications. Questions? Contact Chris St. John, VP of Advancement cstjohn@azpolicy.org 480-674-2635 Contact Kevin Messner, Director of…
Cap Family Dinner 2023
…in the 1990s, writing for The Weekly Standard and other publications. Questions? Contact Chris St. John, VP of Advancement cstjohn@azpolicy.org 602.424.2525 Contact Kevin Messner, Director of Development kmessner@azpolicy.org 602.424.2525…
A Great Opportunity Awaits
…to you this Season. I’ll be brief – we are almost ONE MONTH away from the start of the 2021 Arizona Legislative Session, and this is your call to action!…