Engage Arizona Podcast

536 Reasons to Hope

Nearly every state in the country has introduced at least one pro-life bill this year, including Arizona. Hundreds of them are making their way through various state legislatures. What is going on, and why now, when the Biden Administration moves fiercely toward a pro-abortion agenda? You won’t believe what pro-life investigative journalist, David Daleiden uncovered this time. Also, the battle for women’s sports goes to court as more states pass laws protecting a fair playing field for girls.

Episode Links:

  1. Finnish pastor charged after teaching biblical principles about human sexuality
  2. Protect Women’s Sports goes to court
  3. Hundreds of pro-life bills introduced throughout the country
  4. Planned Parenthood back on the public dole
  5. Disturbing evidence of government sponsored fetal experimentation

What a Recovery!

When a major CAP supported pro-life bill died on the Senate floor, the media and other pro-abortion activists celebrated. But a bill is never dead until sine die, and now pro-life advocates are the ones celebrating. We discuss how it all happened with a special guest. Plus, what are the chances for a similar recovery after a disappointing veto of parental rights bill, SB 1456?

What Happened?

How did a major pro-life bill, one step from the Governor’s desk, end up failing on the final Senate vote? What was going on behind the scenes and what happens now? We talk about that, plus a local vote on taxpayer funding of so-called “transition” surgery for minors, and how other states are handling the issue. We also have an update on the Mesa ordinance referendum on this episode of Engage Arizona.

Are You Paying Attention?

The last week of committee hearings on proposed bills at the Arizona Capitol did not disappoint. Fireworks and drama gave a glimpse of what’s to come on the House and Senate floors. One key hearing displayed growing disdain for parental rights in both education and the health and wellbeing of children. We talk about where this is going and how to head it off on this episode of Engage Arizona. Plus, what the South Dekota Governor’s surprise veto of a women’s sports bill means for similar efforts, including here in Arizona.

In the Know: Keeping Up With Public Policy That Impacts You

CAP is following dozens of bills, and supporting nearly 20 this session. These are bills that will have an impact on most Arizonans, one way or another. In addition, the federal government is moving at breakneck speed to pass legislation that will turn religious freedom as we know it on its head, as well as jeopardize the privacy and wellbeing of women and girls. In this episode of Engage Arizona, we discuss the latest developments both locally and nationally, and how they will impact you.

It’s Better to be Aware of a Bill, Than Surprised by a Law

The average person is unaware of most proposed legislation moving through the state Capitol. Only policy wonks follow the daily progress of any of the nearly two thousand bills in various stages of the legislative process. But no one wants to be surprised when a new law suddenly affects their life, or that violates their deeply held beliefs. Listen here for the key bills being considered in the Arizona Legislature: what they would do, where they are in the process, and how they would affect your life if they became law.

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