Foster Care

Freedom on Trial

The U.S. Supreme Court - now with five constitutionalists serving on the bench - will decide an important religious freedom case this session. Justice Amy Coney Barrett was on the bench last week when the Court heard oral arguments in Catholic Social Services v City...

A Place to Call Home

Amirah waited 842 days for her forever home. The emotional highs and lows leading to foster care would take their toll on any seven-year-old, but she was resilient. After only a couple of years with her foster family, they offered her a proposal, “Would you like us to...

For the Record: It’s the Same Tired Story

Children do best with a mom and a dad. This isn’t the first time I’ve led one of these posts out like this, but once again we’re seeing CAP-supported SB 1188 be mischaracterized and attacked in the media. SB 1188 requires that marital status be considered in adoption...