Results for "equality act"

Leadership (DA WORKING)

…Abortion Consent Act, Abortion Clinic Regulations, and the Mother’s Health and Safety Act. Cathi joined Center for Arizona Policy as Legislative Counsel in 1997. Now in her sixteenth year as…

Just a few votes

…submit button. That empty voting station left me disenchanted. Where were the lines of enthusiastic voters? Many people avoid Election Day because they feel their vote doesn’t carry impact. The…

Seriously Damaged

…puberty process with untested drugs is anything but “gender-affirming.” Activists in the U.S. are not only stubbornly holding onto damaging ideas, but they are also stepping up efforts to ensnare…


…answer to the question of when life begins. There is plenty to dislike about Jackson’s appointment to the Court, including the fact she gives no indication she will be fair…