Engage Arizona Podcast

Protecting Young Eyes, Part I

A whistleblower at Facebook recently leaked inside information revealing the negative impact social media can have on teens. Although not completely a surprise, the confirmation from inside the parent company of Instagram caught parents’ attention. But social media...

The Decline of Decorum

Engage Arizona Podcast · The Decline of Decorum Lawmaking, both state and national, greatly lack civility in today’s culture. How bad is it, and what is driving policy makers to jettison such a critical quality needed to get things done? We ask Arizona House Majority...

Life: What will SCOTUS do with Dobbs?

Engage Arizona Podcast · What will SCOTUS do with Dobbs? The U.S. Supreme Court has an opportunity to finally overturn Roe v Wade and send the issue of abortion back to the states. But the case they will hear in December may not go that far. What is likely to come...

Good to know

Engage Arizona Podcast · Good to Know State lawmakers introduced about two thousand bills this past session. Only a fraction made it through committees and onto the House and Senator floor for a vote, and then to Governor Ducey's desk. Among those that did, were 14...

Life on the Line

Engage Arizona Podcast · Life on the Line It was yeoman’s work getting a major pro-life law passed in Arizona with a slim pro-life majority in the House and Senate, especially when the abortion industry feels its power slipping. As expected, abortion activists sued...