
March Toward Madness

The country has certainly awakened to the powerful and deliberate attempts to usurp parental rights, something parents throughout the political spectrum reject. However, the effort to sexualize children, secretly “transition” them at school, and even normalize...

The Value of Every Life

The Mother's Health and Safety Act, HB 2838, was heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee last week. One of the most powerful moments came when Representative Justin Pierce shared the story of his brother's family, and how despite pressure from doctors,...

Bringing Joy to Families

One of the most tragic results of legalized abortion in our country is the destruction of millions of children based solely on the fact that the child has some sort of disability.  This is most prevalent for children diagnosed with Down syndrome (“DS”), as estimates...

Why Protect Marriage?

There’s been a lot of coverage of the New York legislature’s decision to redefine marriage in their state. Whenever marriage is discussed in the media, there are a lot fundamental misunderstandings about why so many stand for the true definition of marriage. We’re...