“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13 NASB

As CAP Communications Director Aaron Baer shared recently, when I have faced a trial or been overwhelmed with a disappointment or defeat, I have gone to this verse.

Today, we have suffered a major defeat. U.S. District Judge John Sedwick has ruled that the Arizona constitutional marriage amendment passed by the voters overwhelmingly in 2008 is unconstitutional. Recently the U.S. Supreme Court declined to address the marriage issue. This means that a handful of lower court judges have been able to redefine marriage – in essence, a de facto Roe v. Wade ruling on marriage not unlike the 1973 decision to legalize abortion.

The courts have decreed that self-governance by the people does not matter. The courts have abused their authority to overturn one of the key foundational principles of our nation – that marriage is only the union of one man and one woman. Two men or two women will now be able to be legally married in our state of Arizona and in 30 states plus Washington D.C.

Yet God’s Word has not changed. God still ordains marriage to only be the union of one man and one woman. Social science data has not changed, as it overwhelmingly continues to show that marriage between one man and one woman remains the best family arrangement for men, women, and children. The most recent national poll by Pew Research Center even shows support for marriage redefinition at less than 50%.

No court can redefine marriage. The truth remains that marriage has always been and will continue to be only the union of one man and one woman.

There are those today that try to paint us as being on the wrong side of history. To that, I quote my colleague John Stemberger, President and General Counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council:

“The little boy in the inner city who longs to have a father that longing will never be on the wrong side of history. The little girl who desires to have a mom because she only has two dads and two men in her life as she’s trying to go through life to figure out the changes in her body as a woman that little girl’s desire to have a mom will never be on the wrong side of history. The beauty of how a man and a woman come together and life springs forth and the next generation is born that will never be on the wrong side of history because it’s built into the human experience. Whether it’s today or 30 years from now eventually society is going to have to come back to the importance and the centrality of this human institution in order to maintain basic social order. ” 

Today, we grieve. We grieve for the children who now have no chance of growing up with a mom and a dad. We mourn the loss of a culture and its moral foundation. We mourn a culture that continues to turn its back on God and His principles.

But we do not despair. We do not throw in the towel.  We do not give up.

Tomorrow, we rise again to fight the battle. In 1973, many thought the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abortion would end the debate on abortion. Yet look what has happened over forty years later. Polls repeatedly show a majority of Americans holding pro-life views. States have passed over 200 pro-life measures in recent years. There is a general acknowledgement that abortion not only ends a preborn child’s life but also hurts women and men. As a result of pro-life efforts these last 40 years, the abortion rate has declined. Babies and their mothers are being saved – not nearly enough but we are on a path to see an end to abortion in our lifetimes.

Join Center for Arizona Policy as we redouble our efforts to rebuild a culture of marriage, to restore marriage to its original meaning and purpose as the best family structure for men, women, and children. And, yes, our top priority will be to ensure that no one’s religious liberty is threatened or denied because of their faith-based views regarding marriage.

Pray for revival in our country. Pray that 2 Chronicles 7:14 would be a reality and that we would turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves, and God would heal our land. May God have mercy on us.

Plan now to join us on Sunday, November 2, 3:00-5:00 p.m., at the Arizona State Capitol for a time of praise, worship, and prayer for our state and nation.

Make your voice heard. The November 4 election is 18 days away. Early balloting began in Arizona over one week ago. Take time to visit azvoterguide.com. Learn about the candidates that share your values. Then cast an informed vote. Don’t be confused or misled by the television ads, the mailers, or the phone calls. Get the facts at azvoterguide.com. Pray about which candidates to vote for and then let your voice be heard. Don’t sit out this election!

It’s Your Voice. Your Values. Your Vote.

Other commentary on Marriage Redefinition:

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