I’m sure you’ve heard that we are truly in a defensive posture here in Arizona. In 2019, CAP kept a watchful eye on many bills that quite frankly, are deeply frightening—specifically infanticide and the repeal of the ban on partial-birth abortion.
Arizona has been at a tipping point for some time now, and is ground zero in the contemporary Left’s effort to press forward its anti-family, anti-life, secularist agenda. Undoubtedly the Left will pour a great deal of money into Arizona for the 2020 election. This is simply not the time to back down. We must do something.
In 2020, CAP is forging ahead with a stronger staff and network than ever before. We are committed to holding on to the pro-life, pro-family, pro-parental rights, and pro-freedom gains won over the last 25 years we’ve existed. Thanks to supporters like you, we’ve made great strides. And God willing, we can hold the line in 2020!