Something to be Proud Of

If you watch TV, view social media, search the internet, shop, or pretty much do anything outside your home in the month of June, you have witnessed the pride of immorality. The constant barrage of rainbows, drag queens, and LGBTQ messages target consumers and children alike. So proud are activists and corporations that any dissent is swiftly shamed.

We expect this reaction from activists, and we have now come to expect it from the news media as well, not just celebrating “pride month,” but mischaracterizing anyone who dares disagree.

Parents push back on the sexualization of their children and they are not “pro-family” but “anti-LGBTQ,” and they stir “confusion and chaos” in Arizona. Headlines warn businesses not to listen to parents and the dissenting public because “experts” fear it will lead to violence from such “extremists.” When Americans choose not to spend their money at businesses that target children with sexualized clothing and merchandise and celebrate what offends their beliefs or faith it’s called “economic terrorism.”

And the nationwide Associated Press relies on the largest LGBTQ lobby in the nation for its headline, “LGTBQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning.”

Some companies and cities acquiesce. Tempe’s “Pride Party” for “all” ages threw out commonsense protections for children and hosted an LGBTQ rapper twerking on stage in front of kids and singing songs so inappropriate that I have to warn you before you open this article. And while Tempe celebrates raunchy “pride” shows, it has no tolerance for burning the “pride” flag. Tempe police have an investigation into that crime.

The narrative is flipped. Victims in these articles are always those who identify as LGBTQ, never the young children exposed to confusing and sexual messages or the parents who are striving to raise their children with values celebrating God’s natural order; they are never mentioned.

But, as one news article called them, “normies” are finding their voice. Refusing to spend money in stores that support destructive lifestyles seems to be having quite an effect, at least in some concentrated efforts. But the fight for children and society can be attacked from more than one angle. It’s time we direct our attention toward what is truly pride worthy.

What if, instead of immoral sexual pride, June was a month of fidelity; fidelity to God, spouses and families, and communities? Princeton University professor Robert George, who worked closely with Chuck Colson and others on Christian conviction and commitment to life, marriage, and families, is on a mission to spread the idea of what he is calling Fidelity Month.

Quite literally the opposite of a month of pride, Fidelity Month reminds us to set aside our own desires for the sake of our families, truth, and allegiance to God. Acclaimed leaders and scholars see the value in spending a month honoring the virtues of fidelity.

Andrew T. Walker reminds us that we are meant to be in communion with God and that our fullness comes into view as we conform ourselves to His divine plan. Others count the family and societal blessings and benefits of marriage, including:

  • A more stable, safer home
  • Higher quality parenting based on gender-specific care
  • An anchor for a child’s identity by answering the deep desire to be loved
  • Higher grades and earnings later
  • Avoiding poverty, better off financially
  • Better physical and mental health

Listen to the full online discussion about how to heal division and highlight what is noble here.

As Christians, conservatives, and engaged and involved citizens, celebrating fidelity to God and family is truly something to be proud of.

New Engage Arizona Podcast!

Listen here to the latest episode of Engage Arizona. I spoke with Voices for the Voiceless about what the pro-life movement is doing to change hearts and minds and care for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Voices takes a specific approach to reach women and creating the community they desperately need.


  •  Listen here to a first-hand account of the transgender lie and its irreversible consequences (the interview begins about 25 minutes in).
  • Read here about one Arizona lawmaker’s reaction to Governor Hobbs’ veto of a bill banning the state from exposing children to sexually explicit materials.
  • Read here how an undercover experiment found sex-change surgeries rubber stamped after only a brief virtual meeting with a doctor.

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