Two Years

Two years ago, five justices on the U.S. Supreme Court in the Obergefell decision ruled as lawmakers not as judges, redefining marriage legally to extend to two men or two women.

Know that our efforts to advocate for religious freedom, privacy rights, and other issues emanating from Obergefell will continue; we are as committed as ever.

But, rather than review all that’s happened in the last two years, let’s talk about the path forward.

Put simply, yours and my challenge – and opportunity – is to rebuild a culture of marriage.

To once again celebrate and hold up high the truth that marriage between one man and one woman remains the most beneficial family structure for men, women, and children.

No law can restore the meaning and value of marriage.

But you and I can.

The Obergefell ruling did not change the social science data.

The Obergefell ruling did not change historical facts.

The Obergefell decision did not change God’s design for marriage.

Consider these ways you can be a part of standing for marriage in today’s culture:

  • If you are married, celebrate your marriage.
    • Work on your marriage. Don’t ignore it. Tend to it. Enjoy it. Delight in one another.
    • Share your story with others.
    • If you are experiencing marital challenges, get help.
    • Convert your marriage license into a covenant marriage. Marriage isn’t simply a contract that can be broken. It is a covenant relationship. For more information on Arizona’s covenant marriage law, click here.
  • If you’re planning your wedding
    • Seek wise premarital counseling.
    • Obtain a covenant marriage license.
  • If you are single and desire to get married
    • Be encouraged that marriage still works.
    • Don’t lose heart.
    • Pray, believe that marriage is worth it.

I grieve for those who have been hurt in marital relationships. I grieve for those children being raised today without a mom and a dad in a stable, loving household.

I ache for a culture that doesn’t get the benefits of marriage between a man and a woman.

That’s why I continue to hold on to the hope, dream, and prayer that our culture once again will value marriage.

May each of us do our part to rebuild a culture of marriage.

ICYMI – Latest News & Articles of Interest

  • The U.S. Senate draft overhaul of Obamacare includes key provisions to defund Planned Parenthood. Visit our Action Center today to encourage Senators McCain and Flake to support that provision.
  • Susan G. Komen Foundation is closing down in Arizona due to a drop in participation and donations. Support of Planned Parenthood cited as a reason.
  • U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules in favor of Mississippi law protecting freedom of conscience in marriage context.
  • U.S. Supreme Court affirms free speech even when offensive to some. See story here.
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