$77.5 Million

328,348 Abortions and $77.5 Million Profit

Planned Parenthood (PP) recently released its 2015-2016 Annual Report.

The report revealed that PP performed 328,348 “abortion procedures” and ended the fiscal year with a profit of $77.5 million. Yet Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization.

This report highlights once again why taxpayer monies, $554.6 million according to the report, should not be going to PP.

Charlotte Lozier Institute President Chuck Donovan’s analysis of the report shows Planned Parenthood is “declining in size and scope” because women are choosing other providers. Planned Parenthood recently announced that it will close 10 of its facilities in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and Iowa due to financial concerns.

In our own state of Arizona, Planned Parenthood has closed a few centers in recent years.

To see the complete report click here. Read Donovan’s analysis here.

Promises Being Kept

Last month, President Trump signed his executive order on religious freedom, highlighting the federal government’s attacks on faith-based organization like Little Sisters of the Poor. Recall that the Obama Administration had been fighting Little Sisters in federal court to force them to submit to the contraceptive mandate under the Affordable Care Act.

In a critical next step, President Trump appears to be keeping his promise to the Little Sisters of the Poor that the government will not bully them for following their religious beliefs.

On Wednesday of this week, interim rules from the United States Department of Health and Human Services were leaked. The rules would exempt religious organizations, like Little Sisters of the Poor and Christian colleges, from the contraceptive mandate.

If the rules are adopted it would be an important victory for religious freedom. The leaked rules can be found here.

Should Christians Use the Word “Transgender”?

In his article, “What’s in a Name? Why Christians Should be Wary of the Word ‘Transgender,’” Andrew T. Walker warns us against uncritically using the word “transgender.” He writes:

The Christian worldview accepts the validity of people’s testimony that gender dysphoria is a real experience resulting in heartrending distress. The Christian worldview cannot, however, countenance the idea that men can become women or that women can become men.

To read the article click here.


Please, please do not sign any petitions on ballot measures at this time. A group called Save Our Schools (SOS) has begun collecting signatures with the goal of repealing the empowerment scholarship account law. For why CAP supports the new law, click here.

If the group collects around 75,000 valid signatures of registered voters by August 9 the referendum would be on the November 2018 ballot.

If the ESA expansion law is repealed families throughout Arizona will be left with less schooling options for their children.

Tweet of the Week

During the AZ legislature’s move to require the state to apply for the grant making authority to redistribute Title X family planning services to the almost 200 community health clinics in Arizona and away from abortion providers, I tweeted:

“Fact: Planned Parenthood AZ doesn’t provide services in rural areas. All 10 clinics in urban areas. Rural areas deserve more.”

ProgressNow Arizona replied this week:

“In 2007 AZ had 20 Planned Parenthoods. Today only 10 thanks to your efforts to defund them. Otherwise they could better serve rural areas.”

Thanks to all who stand with us in the belief that women deserve better than what Planned Parenthood offers.

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